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- }0a0000oddf1oddf2occf3occf4obbf5obbf6oaaf7oaaf
- {2 {nOHH, YOU POOR DEAR!{1{a
- }0o99f1o99f2o88f3o88f4o77f5o77f6o66f7o66f
- }0a0000oddf1oddf2occf3occf4obbf5obbf6oaaf7oaaf
- }0o99f1o99f2o88f3o88f4o77f5o77f6o66f7o66f
- ~iff.mme_pico
- }0off00n0ef {m Dear Madame Pico,{a
- I must object to the way in which
- {nDestiny's {mSatanic Rites {a constantly
- uses me as a reference to obesity. I
- hope that they realise that this sort
- }0n0c0
- of thing is at the root of buliemia.
- {mClaire Rayner.{a
- }0n0ef0if22
- {m Hello Dearies! {aMadame Pico here to {nMme Pico: {aFuck off you stupid fat
- solve any problems that you may have. bitch. You got the coushy Tv-Am job,
- Simply write, in confidence to my remember? I could wop the bot off you
- attic here at {hDestiny WHQ{a, or if your anyday, Auntie, and don't forget it.
- life is fine, feel free to send other
- people's problems. Anyhow luvvies, we {mDear Madame Pico,{a
- start this issue's line up with a
- letter winging it's way from Claire I'm a lonely single man living in
- Rayner... North Norway. I been considering the
- possibility of {fcomputer dating{a. How {mDear Madame Pico, {a
- can I best {himpress {athe computer on our
- first date? I've got a big mental problem
- Madame. I don't tolerate intolerant
- {cJay Jablonski, Karasjok. {a people. I've just shot my auntie and
- her puppy-se*-doll with a
- three-step-motorized vibrator. What
- {eMme Pico: {a Ohh, you poor dear! to do???
- Obviously it's not size that's
- }0iff0
- important, it's what you do with it, {cIntolerant.{a
- but generally the bigger your
- hard-drive the more impressed she'll {hMme Pico:{a ???
- }0nfff
- {mbe. Remember; the clearer your data
- ~iff.dty
- line, the larger your packet, and
- {mthat's no doubt what she's after. My
- }0o0ef
- guess is that she'll think you're too
- flash if you turn up on the first date
- with your optical storage, so keep to {n Dear Madame Pico,{m
- the basic floppies for the first
- night. I was at the doctor and he told me
- that I suffered from the very well
- known "profound lack of anything Daily Sport I get stimulated and my
- resembling intelligence"- syndrome. errhm... "thing" eh... ...hmm...
- }0i0c00j0ef0kff0
- He also said that there's nothing to well, increases in size. Is this
- do with it. Is this true? Please normal? My parents told me that
- help! children are made from flowers, but I
- doubt it. I need an answer now. Am I
- {hSwede.{m sick or healthy???
- {jMme Pico: {m Dearie, your problem is
- that your doctor's Norwegian, as was {jMme Pico:{m Ohh, you poor dear!
- probably the guy who wrote this Seven-year olds shouldn't be reading
- }0if22
- letter. Apparently, the joke across the Daily Sport as they should pitch
- the rest of {hScandinavia {m is that their reading at a higher level. What
- Swedish people have little you have experienced Dearie is an
- intelligence. Oh dear.... errection. Welcome to the real World.
- }0i0ef
- {hDear Madame Pico, Deer Mdaame Pcio!{m
- I'm a 7 year old sexually frustrated Plasee h;lep em, m'I d&^xylescix, I nd
- English boy living in {hSouthport,{m hlp mor dan ani oters.
- Lancashire. Every time I read the afroi erhgeljreg.
- {fMem iPco:{a hho you, poor daer! Srroy
- but I ca'nt hlep yuo!
- {cMadame Pico {areturns next issue.
- {e (Unless she decides to go on holiday
- again)
- Hopefully no more poor {fdyslexia {ejokes.
- ~iff.mme_pico